Bedside Harp@Home Program
For over 20 years, Bedside Harp has been committed to promoting the healing properties of the harp. The Bedside Harp@Home program promises to expand our vision and deepen the impact of harp therapy.
Co-created by Edie Elkan and Marlene Peterson, this program will focus on teaching people how to play the harp with an eye to playing for one’s own self healing and for healing and comforting family members. Basic harp technique, playing by ear and from a lead sheet, improvising, music theory, and a sprinkling of ideas of how to use the harp for healing, will all be included in this Beginner instructional level. Unlike our harp therapy certification program, however, these ten hours of instruction will not prepare students to play in healthcare settings; however once students get a sense of the power of harp therapy, some may be inspired to move into that training as well.
There will be two groups of @Home students—one for those with little or no prior music training; and one for those with prior music training. The hour-long sessions are presented every week in our Fall semester and every other week in our Spring semester. Students will learn the basics of playing the harp and come to understand and experience the instrument’s powerful healing properties. All sessions will be recorded, and students will have access to those recordings for two weeks—until the next session is presented.
Enrollment is limited, so apply early to avoid disappointment. Our fall semester classes will begin September 14, 2023. Last day to register is 9/1/23.
Tuition is $450.00. If you already have our text, (Almost) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Harp and Music, 2010 Edition. by Edie Elkan, you needn’t purchase it again. If you do not, we are offering it as a hard copy, two-volume set to students in this program at the discounted price of $54.95.
If you do not already own a harp and wish to purchase a student harp at a discounted price, please contact us by writing to