Striking A Notable Difference In Healthcare Since 2002

Marie 46DSXP “Double Strung” Harp (New)


This is the Marie XP doubled. There are 23 strings on each side ranging from C up to D. It comes as a package which includes a full set of levers, a weather-resistant case, a high quality strap and a tuning key.

To learn more about the Marie Harp, click here.


Strings: C – D
Finish: Light Cherry
Wood: Butternut Walnut
Sound Board: Birch
Dimensions: 32 X 19.25 X 8.125
Weight: 8.5 lbs

Additional Options:
Piezo Pick-up Installed: $175.00
Le Stick โ€“ $175.00 You can choose to have your Le Stik painted in a color of your choosing or in a light cherry stain to match your harp