Striking A Notable Difference In Healthcare Since 2002

The Everything Book, December 2010 Edition


Theย (Almost) Everything You Ever Wanted to Knowย book is the text we use for all of our instructional and certification classes.ย  Youโ€™ll find it all in this 500 + page tomeโ€”100 + simple but lovely tunes from all genres to play at the bedside, how to play in the church modes, music theory explained clearly, how to play by ear, harp technique, technical exercises, even how to read notation.ย  And too, there are essaysโ€”on Modes and Moods, Playing from the Heart, Rhythm vs. Pulse, as well as tips on tuning, practicing, enharmonics, and harpistic effects. A must-have book for every harpist and harper.


Digital Version, Print Version, Braille Version
