As I paused in this doorway, the curtain was thrown back to reveal a very large family with a small child visiting the patient. I was immediately ushered into the room with cries of, “Look at this! Dad, we’ve found you a harpist. Didn’t you want to take harp lessons, Mom?” The family was clearly enjoying each others’ company, and the patient was alert and oriented, drawn into the general hubbub of the family. I began playing several children’s songs for the 3 year old child, and the entire family, including the patient, broke into an enthusiastic version of each song as I played, everyone clapping as they finished. The patient was clearly enjoying himself, particularly in watching his small granddaughter, and singing with the rest of the family. As he lay back to rest, I was questioned about the possibility of harp lessons and provided information about lessons at the hospital. I was sent off with, “Thank you so much. Who knew we’d get a chance to have such fun and find my sister the harp lessons she’s always wanted? That’s the most fun we’ve had here all day!”