Harp Accompaning The Singing Voice
This project is dedicated to M. C. who was a resident at the center and who was my cheer leader, “I love the harp music”,
Bedside Harp’s harp therapist candidates submit a practicum project as part of their requirements for each level of their certification. These projects offer students the opportunity to focus on one of three aspects of their work: The Journey (to certification and beyond), The Music, and The Work. They have also served both to encourage and inspire our newer students. We’re now delighted to make these illuminating documents available to all therapeutic musicians. Starting in July 2019, we hope to showcase one each month with the hope that those who are called to do this sacred work will benefit from this offering. Please leave your comments below—we’d really love to hear from you.
This project is dedicated to M. C. who was a resident at the center and who was my cheer leader, “I love the harp music”,