Striking A Notable Difference In Healthcare Since 2002

Over The Rainbow Honor Pages

We hope these pages will be a place of healing—a place to honor those we have loved, those who have impacted our lives, those whom we never want to forget. We hope too, that these pages will serve as a place where we can write about our own grief and sadness and through that, experience healing.

Perhaps an entry will be one or two lines. Perhaps it will be several paragraphs. That’s how it is. We may know nothing about someone except his or her last moments on earth or we may have known that person our whole lives. We make profound connections in this, our life journey, and need a place to honor those whom we hold dear and those for whom we’ve played in their last days. Writing about them helps us honor ourselves and our own feelings as well.

There may also be times when we who do this most sacred work, want only to read about the experiences other have had. So be it.

I know that these pages will, as everything has with Bedside Harp®, take on their own life with each contribution. May they provide comfort and healing to all!

Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
Away above the chimney tops
That’s where you’ll find me …